Wednesday, September 24, 2008

when darkness sheds the light

When darkness sheds the light…

It was quite a night…
He held your hands like never before.
The cool crisp air tingles in your skin
As you go past each cobbled stone.
(sigh)…like never before…
Those laughter were like sweet lullaby
Hanging still in midair…locked…intertwined
By the ethereal songs of the crickets in the bushes.
(sigh)…it was quite a night.
But such night like you would never want to remember….
Never ever…

as you turned in the corner...a gust of wind brought
shiver in your skin...when the stalking eyes
crawled like serpent into the night...

those smirking lips...those foreboding stares...
you knew there was something that made you winced.

I saw what they did to you and your beloved…
I saw the face, painted with horror…screams…but no one heard.
And that silent…innocent thing which bore witness that would
Never tell other than what is truth…was tainted
With that ill-intent, most wicked mind…and hands too
Light in killing someone fragile and innocent.

The bruises…the physical pain…the cracked face…bursting
Red blood spewing down your cheeks…unbearable.
Those pain you could bear…but losing someone you dearly loved…
Apparently left a tear so huge your heart could nearly explode.

And yet…you tried to live…tried to forget…
Those loving and cheerful eyes, though gone and asleep…
Never seemed to drift too far from the sober life you want
To lead….yes…it was awful to wake up each morning
Living in the horror of anguish….but you tried…yes you tried…
But the scar of that night burned you like sulfur…
Sizzling in the dark…they want to get more of you…they want
To shatter more of you…but you decided—not anymore…
Never again…
And so you put the wrath of the law under your innocent hands.
And each time they hurt you again…your rage strikes back
Ten times stronger than what they did…
It was hard to sleep…the pain…the grief…the hatred…kept on
Haunting you and would not let you rest…
And it would not until you find what your hands
Had been meaning to give…the wrath of your wounded soul!

But love has brought a new beginning this time…
But love so depressed…love too desperate to give and get
Would not want you to live in the darkness…
That love whose heart saw and knew the face of the truth…
And the law that besets the vengeance you sworn to forget.
Ah…(sigh)…that love whose heart was broken…like your
Heart so aching…
And even though he saw what you did…he would want to give
You another chance to live…
And because his love knows that if he uncovers the truth
Of your tainted hands…he would lose you forever.
And so he surmised…maybe he should put the law upon
His hands…and he sentenced you…NOT GUILTY!

I saw what they did to you…
And I also saw that the darkness in your eyes
Will now be gone…but still…that darkness has
Shed the light forever….
But no darkness…however great, can shed the truth!
For I saw what you did to them too…

Friday, September 19, 2008

Choose for yourself today

Choose for yourself today

Man’s life is castellated with a plethora of challenges, tests and problems. By the time he wakes up in the morning up to the time he retires to bed, he is surrounded by events that are within or beyond his control. These stimuli are everywhere. They’re like atoms spread around every surface of the universe. Some are smaller and others are bigger than the human mind can ever conceive.

Conversely, man is also engulfed by a myriad of good and beautiful things. And they are much, much larger than anyone could ever imagine. One simple reason that this is true is that there is a God who created the universe. And the One Creator is good and perfect. He created this world and it is good. That is why He is much larger than any problem man could face. That, my friend, is the truth.

When you are faced with a problem detrimental to your survival, you can either negate yourself from the negative effects of it, or prostrate yourself to its devastating effect. Problems will always be there. Problems that maybe within our control can be prevented; but problems beyond our control should not consume us.

The choices we make everyday do not only deal with problems or tough decisions. We are even faced with what to believe and whom to believe. Influential people are saying one thing; one is saying another thing. Your friend tells you that the world is bright, but you see it otherwise. Someone says be strong and courageous. Others say, let it go…be still…know your heart…search your desire…the opinion goes on and on. But are you really sure which one is right? Where will you go and who will you ask?

The Parody of Human Existence

The Parody of Human Existence

Can man live without God? Or should it be asked, could have man existed without God?

In a personal opinion, the latter should have been the first question, the former the second one. Either way, this should not be a case for a debate which question should be appropriate. But let the case rest as to how the world can be or would be without God; or how a man can live without God.

It is so fascinating to note—not to the fascination for mere personal amusement—that our world has produced hundreds of brilliant minds that inexorably dig the reality of God’s existence either denying or proving and defending it. Many of them have died defending their stands—antitheism or theism.

It is also equally interesting—and vital—to note that many of these great minds who examined the existence of a great Creator had themselves cinched by the truth and forever indebted to the realization that indeed, there is one Persona that existed from whom everything in this world originated. Take for example the greatest and most influential philosopher of all time, C.S. Lewis, who in his attempt to undermine the very existence of a Greater Power, found himself unable to cease finding more and finally landed on the pinnacle of truth: that God is true and that everything else in this world exists by Him and for Him.

Going back to the point, can man live without God?

An apt and relevant question in our world today, is it?

Ravi Zacharias, a seasoned speaker and critical writer-thinker of our modern day, has an explaining for that question. He himself has written the book entitled of the same question that had been disturbing many people in our world today.

In his latest book Can Man Live Without God, Ravi Zacahrias philosophically presented the foundational truth of the consequences of a world without God, and critically defended the Creator’s very existence and importance in the human life. Ravi clearly states the philosophy of antitheism and the prominent people who held on to it like Nietzsche—one of the most influential antitheists of our time—who “microcosmically portrayed the fulfillment of a philosophy that wantonly denied God and chose to live without even a hint of divine command.”

Ravi explains that “One of the greatest blind spot of a philosophy that attempts to disavow God is its unwillingness to look into the face of the monster it has begotten and own up to being its creator. It is here that living without God meets its first insurmountable obstacle, the inability to escape the infinite search of moral law.”

He continues to emphasize that “We continue to talk of values and ethics; we persist in establishing moral boundaries for others while erasing the lines that are drawn for life itself. If my happiness is a right and the ultimate goal of my life, why worry about anyone else’s claims to happiness? And if I must worry about someone else’s happiness, whose?—and why is his or hers, and not another’s? If life is pointless, why should ethics serve any purpose except my own? If I am merely the product of matter and at the mercy of material determinism, why should I subject myself to anyone else’s moral convictions? If on the other hand, I am fashioned by God for His purposes, then I need to know Him and know that purpose for which I have been made, for out of that purpose is born my sense of right and wrong.”

Ravi also defines in a most amplified way the search for the meaning of life in relation to his defense and proves Jesus’ divinity and sovereignty to man. His intellectual approach in defense to his propositions digs into the realm of man’ s perpetual pursuit to the meaning of his life. Why, in all melancholy, some men search for their lives’ meaning in the states of things other than the ordinary? Other men take meaning in the eyes of the innocent children? But Ravi presents most profoundly the meaning of life from the very source of it: God.

Perhaps, one of Ravi’s striking propositions in this book is his direct connotation of some men’s fatal attempt to live apart from God. He quips, “Can man live without God? Of course he can, in a physical sense. Can he live without God in a reasonable way? The answer to that is No! because such person is compelled to deny a moral law, to abandon hope, to forfeit meaning, and to risk no recovery if he is wrong. Life just offers too much evidence to the contrary. You, and you alone are the determiner and definer of these essentials of life; you, and you alone, are the architect of your own moral law; you, and you alone, craft meaning for your own life; you, and you alone, risk everything you have on the basis of a hope you envisage. You have made life’s greatest decision, taken the greatest gamble, and answered the greatest question of our time—if you choose to live without God.”

But nothing is more horrific as the real and morbid consequences of antitheism. Taking as examples the lives of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, and many others and their most inhuman destruction to the lives of so many people.

Admittedly, Ravi Zacharia’s way of writing has sent me whirlwind with my perpetual consulting of the dictionary. He is an in-depth writer with a plethora of uncommon words. Nevertheless, he has made me realize how vital it is for the human subjects to have God in living a meaningful life. I must concede he is truly an anointed writer anyone should take seriously.

Going back to the question Can Man Live Without God? Ravi is right in his defense. Man can never live a sensible life apart from God. Period.

The Mark of a Man

“The world cries for men who are strong; strong in conviction, strong to lead, to stand, to suffer,” says Elizabeth Elliot in her book, The Mark of a Man.
This is a painful yet encouraging truth.
When men come of age, they reach a turning point when they want to be identified by characteristics unique of men. They want to be independent, telling people they don’t need anybody else. No more going out with mom. “No more packed lunch mom, please”! “I want to have my own room now, dad.” Men want to be identified unique and superior.
In the book The Mark of a Man, Elizabeth Elliot says men and women were created equal. All we know from the first chapter of Genesis about the man and woman God made would indicate equal, apart from the interesting detail of sexual differentiation, which gets only passing mention (“male and female He created them”), they were created equal with regard to certain particulars.
The first of these is that they were both created. We could say, then, that they are equal in having been made.
She goes on to say that men and women were equal in image. Yes. We’re made in the image of God. “But I thought God was spirit? How can He be represented by human image”? The Bible doesn’t explain the how and why of our being made in God’s image. It simply tells us we are. It’s a mystery.
She says that men and women are equal in moral responsibility. Men and women were given by God a command for which both were responsible and which neither could fulfill without the other: be fruitful and multiply. It takes two to tango. It takes the sexual distinction to make it work. Two creatures amazingly alike and wondrously different.
So what then is a man’s essence? What really makes him separate from the rest of God’s creation?
Come along with me and let’s discover together what makes you and I different from the rest; I mean, really different from the male population.
Our lives now as we know it, are dominated by constant struggle to prevail in our beliefs and ideas, opinions and viewpoints. Look around you and you find sexist, feminists, racists; the radicals go on and on. Feminists defend their equal rights with men. Gay and lesbian organizations endlessly fought for social recognition of same sex relationship. They want respect and freedom for their sex preferences.
One instance, Elizabeth Elliot and a hundred men and women met at a Harvard Divinity School for the Second Lesbian and Gay Seminarians’ Conference. One Brian McNaught told the story of his water fast, an attempt to get his Bishop at least to admit the “equality of homosexuals as God’s children,” if not to ordain them.
“We would agree that included in the company of God’s children are homosexuals as well as all other varieties of sinners—Paul gives quite a list in 1Cor 6: the impure, the idolater, the adulterer, the effeminate, the pervert, the thief, the swindler, the drunkard, the foul-mouthed, the rapacious. ‘And such men remember, were some of you! But you have cleansed yourselves from all that…’ There’s the condition. Surely, neither McNaught’s bishop or any other good Christian would exclude the homosexual from the priesthood once he had been cleansed and ‘…made whole in spirit…justified…in the Name of the Lord Jesus and in His very Spirit.’ But what the seminarians were asking for was acceptance and equality for practicing homosexuals, with our without repentance,” Elizabeth explains.
Now, you don’t want to be identified in that, do you?
Besides the structural design of masculinity, men are distinct in that they know how to accept responsibility. Men generally want to take charge. But taking charge and taking responsibility are altogether different. To take charge is to oversee. To take responsibility is to make sure everyone is taken cared of, respected and compensated: recognized in his humanity and needs.
Real men know how to forgive. There are many instances in a man’s life when he experiences wounds that he brings all his life. And these wounds can pierce through him that he becomes unconsciously lost in imaginary self he tends to create in order to hide them.
Many successful people we don’t know might just crawl under his blanket and explode in tears and go out of his door a different man.
Fears tend to drive men to do things to hide their wounds. And unless you are courageous enough to accept the wound and take on the process of forgiveness and healing, you will never find yourself distinct among men.
“The whole false self, our lifestyle, is an elaborate defense against entering our wounded heart. It is a chosen blindness. Our false self stubbornly blinds each of us to the light and the truth of our own emptiness and hollowness.” Says Manning in the book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge.
We need to identify that in our selves and come to terms to strip us of it.
Masculinity is obedience. It is obedience to the perfect will and design of God. You cannot bargain with God. What He has declared He has declared. When He said you are a “man”, you are a man. Designed in His likeness and image, set apart from all creation to rule over it.
Endurance is not something of physical when it comes to manliness. Endurance is of inner self. And only when you recognize yourself in God’s image and dependence on Him will you endure the hardships of life.
“Real men longs for adventure and danger. Adventure, with all its requisite danger and wildness, is a deeply spiritual longing written into the soul of a man. The masculine heart needs a place where nothing is prefabricated, modular, notfat, zip lock, franchised, on-line, microwavable. Where there are not deadline, no phone calls, or committee meetings, where there is room for the soul,” explains John Eldredge.
A man understands a woman. Many men complain women are hard to understand. They say women are too complicated emotionally and demanding of their time. True, women are complicated because we made them so. They become complicated because in the first place, they become confused of what we want of them. Women are demanding of our time because we made them crave for our attention. Why is that? It is because we want freedom from the “clutches” of women. We want to do anything we want without women intervening. We want to go anywhere without women asking our whereabouts. We deprive them of our time.
A man knows a woman’s needs; what she longs for. A man is patient with a woman. And man should learn to live with that because whether he likes it or not, he longs for a beauty—a woman to love and to rescue from the ruggedness of life. Real men respect women and cherish them. When a man comes to age, he establishes a family. And it is in this chosen life that he encompasses his image as a man: a provider, protector, and lover. And how he makes this life boils down again to how he identifies himself with his creator.

A real man is a father to his children.
Why is our society producing few fathers? It is because there are few fathers ahead of us. A real father rears a real father. When a child grows up living with a man he could hardly call “father,” this child will grow up a lost man.
A real man knows his purpose. Unless he knows and understand what he is made for, he won’t be able shout at the peak of the tallest mountain of the world that he is a “man.” God created woman because it was not good for the man to be alone. God created man because He wants man to rule over all His creations. And ultimately, God created man for His glory. A real man can only glorify God if he has embraced God’s purpose for him.
A real man leaves legacy to the society. How would you want to be remembered when the time comes that you can no longer utter words to explain yourself and elaborate what you have done?
Just because a man cries in front of people doesn’t mean he is weak and not a man. The truth is, he is able to accept the realities of brokenness and recognizes the pain of humanity.
The measure of a man is not determined by his preferences and how the culture sees it fit. The measure of a man is determined by how he identifies himself in the image of his Creator and the design bestowed on him. Most of all, a man measures his masculinity on how he embraces the commands of his Creator and obeys Him wholeheartedly.

The Life-changing power of the Bible

The Life-changing power of the Bible

History has proven that the Bible is the widely read book throughout the world since time immemorial. It is admittedly a fascinating book most people, especially the pious, read with utmost reverence. To say that it is the most and widely read book is quite intriguing in a way it has changed so many lives. Take for instance C.S. Lewis—considered to be the most influential Christian intellectual of the modern time—in his attempt to dig the fallibility and incoherence of the Bible, found himself cinched and gripped by the haunting truth of God’s undeniable existence.
What is there in the Bible that shaped human lives and history?
At the heart of the Bible is God’s message of love—tremendous love. Even to say tremendous is an understatement. Encompassing, perhaps might best describe it. The Bible will reveal that it was never God’s plan that man fall under the snare of the devil. All He wanted was for man to live in abundance and blessedness. However, man fell anyway so God wrote the story of His “encompassing love.”
The Bible can never contain the Words of God. It is too small to tell of God’s story. The whole Bible is the summary of God’s plan to redeem humankind. It is the “story of salvation” to bring back all that was lost. Jesus Christ was the focal point of God’s plan of redemption. God manifested His undying, unfailing, and unconditional love to all humankind by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ who was to die to save us from eternal damnation. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is the great promise of God.
God’s words contained in the Bible proved to be powerful. They are the lifeblood that energized every Christian to serve Him. Countless martyrs had already tread the narrow road to salvation: the early Christians and the apostles, Agustin, Benedict, Martin Luther, John Bunyan, Hudson Taylor, Dietrich Bon Hoeffer, Fanny Crosby, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, contemporaries Bill Graham and Bro. Yun; and many other countless lives and saints who were never written in the history who gave up their lives for the love of God. You might ask, how could have these people given up their lives to serve God? Faith. This is the stronghold that contains the heart of every believer. It is God’s power through His words that changed their lives radically.
I cannot forget how God’s Words moved through me. I was myself a qualified and professed skeptic when it comes to God’s word. However, it was in the year 2001 when God caused my heart to seek and long for something I could not understand. It was after a friend of mine introduced God’s Words to me through a Bible study. I must admit I was fascinated by the story. Everything was interesting. But it never came into my mind to believe what was all written in it. My friend was patient. She knew it was beyond her power to change a heart. It was the power of God’s Holy Spirit to move a heart to contrition and recognize His Lordship over one’s life. And she had faith.
Her patience has paid off when sometime in 2001, my heart was already heavy with emptiness and a longing for a deeper meaning and purpose of life. I woke up in the morning with a fresh feeling and expectation that I would meet God that day; and I did when my footsteps brought me to the church where my friend attended. She could not describe her emotions the moment she saw me at the doorstep of Hilltop Baptist Church. That was the beginning of a more profound seeking to encounter God through the Bible. It became a food to me everyday, always seeking to know the plan God has for me. Without my knowing it, God has brought miracles upon miracles. His promises in the Bible proved true. He will never leave those who believe in Him and abide in Him. My salvation has come and my faith was strengthened by reading His words. Everyday was always fresh and new. Everyday was filled with joyous expectation and belief that no matter what happens, God will always protect me and provide me. And true enough, when I happened to live in place where I could depend on no one but my closest and bestfriend (who himself was also a Christian and seeking for an opportunity to work), provisions after provisions flooded in. Protection after protection was given. Joy and happiness was there. It was during that time when my questions about life ended. God has put faith into my heart. My friend recounted that he saw a miracle in my life.
Countless books are not enough to tell the miracles of how God’s words has changed lives. The human mind is limited in its understanding and wisdom how God could completely make a 360 degrees turnaround to single soul. Even the one affected could not even fathom this mystery. It is beyond our human mind and only faith can explain that. Only faith, where God’s wisdom lies, is the only one that explains the things beyond our understanding.

I am loved…

I bear no name...I have no fame.
I don’t posses the face of a perfect man.
My lips are not as desirable as the crescent moon
My eyes, they don’t bear the glitter of the star.
My hair doesn’t shimmer like golden dew.
But I am loved by someone I knew.

My hands are quick in temper…my anger burns like sulfur.
My rage is like thunder…like the distant explosion of a volcano.
My thought is faltering…my purity is like an iron rod smoldering…
I fell…I slipped…and I lost my way.
But someone loved me, anyway.

I saw my distant past…I glimpse at my unseen future.
What, behold, will tomorrow brings for someone
As no one as who I am. But I am loved by someone.

I have no gold…riches…wealth…and power
To make someone bow…least of all…kneel before me.
This “someone” I have taken for granted
Has loved me like ancient of days…I could hardly count the
Years…it’s been too long.
But that someone has loved me all along.

Now, tell me…is it fair that I falter?
Is it fair that I give up? Will this stubbornness give me love?
Or will it bring me luck? No my friend…
To leave and give up is not a future…but a failure…
“Of what avails this eager pace?” Someone recounted to me
During those golden and ancient days….
Someone I knew…I am owned…
By someone I come to barely know…

Or was it knowing barely? Or being blind?
Yes…my friend…my eyes have lost its sight.
And now I must come to realize that
There is nothing more that I could do
Than to never give up on someone I knew….
For someone loves me for who I am….
That someone whose love I could not fathom…
A love deeper than the deepest ocean…
Who loves me even if I don’t posses the smile
of the crescent moon…the glitter of the sands in the beach…
and the beauty of the glistening water beneath the sunset….

Franciz olivier

Ancient Rose

O, thou poor Soul of old
Lost in the realms of ancient told
That once cast shadow upon man’s crown.

Thy have gained thine reign
And begot our life
But the ancient foe smudged thy pure delight

O, wence forth shall thy sons abode
From the pelting tempest of wrath
Of perpetual dark pursued

Great men have searched thee
Countless lives scorned to protect thee
How long shall thy sons hide from under?

O, our earnest hearts await
Great a time of truth been sealed
Come forth, and take heed and free mine spirit

O ancient Rose, where thou hast lay
That I may pay homage to thee
And seal this fate of mine into eternity.

O, let the stars speak thy words
The skies unveil thy throne
Let nothing now contain thy silence.

O Ancient Rose …
Let thy time come
And speak to thy sons that long wait be gone.